sarahmichelef: Sarah and Matthew Rest
sarahmichelef: The "Little Old Man" Picture
sarahmichelef: First Breast Milk
sarahmichelef: Shoshanna - 2 Days Old - First Breast Milk
sarahmichelef: Shoshanna and Mama's Hand
sarahmichelef: Shoshanna 7 Days - Looking at the World
sarahmichelef: Dinosaur Guardian
sarahmichelef: Pickles watches over Shoshanna 9 days
sarahmichelef: Sarah Holds Shoshanna 12 Days
sarahmichelef: Cutest Picture Ever #1
sarahmichelef: The Home Freezer
sarahmichelef: Sarah 'Roos - 24 Days
sarahmichelef: Shoshanna gets weighed - 26 days and 881 grams!
sarahmichelef: Shoshanna - 1 Month, 2 Days
sarahmichelef: Matthew and Shoshanna Nap - 1 Month, 2 Days
sarahmichelef: Shoshanna Hanging on to CPAP - 1 Month, 5 Days
sarahmichelef: Cutest Picture Ever #2
sarahmichelef: Dino Model
sarahmichelef: Too Loud!
sarahmichelef: Sarah and Shoshanna 'roo. 48 days old.
sarahmichelef: I don't *really* need this stupid oxygen.
sarahmichelef: Look, no cannula!
sarahmichelef: Hands in front of the face...
sarahmichelef: Sarah is a good cow.
sarahmichelef: Shoshanna is learning to work for her food.
sarahmichelef: Dressed again
sarahmichelef: Shoshanna and Daddy
sarahmichelef: First Family Portrait
sarahmichelef: Really, Daddy?