::Sarah K. Photography:::
Follow me.
::Sarah K. Photography:::
Oh spring.
::Sarah K. Photography:::
"Hang in there. It is astonishing how short a time it can take for very wonderful things to happen." - Francis Hodgson Burnett
::Sarah K. Photography:::
Hello, Flickr.
::Sarah K. Photography:::
Adventures - 2015 edition.
::Sarah K. Photography:::
I don't think I will ever quite get over this city.
::Sarah K. Photography:::
Peering from some high window; at the gold of November sunset (and feeling that if day has to become night, this is a beautiful way). - E.E. Cummings
::Sarah K. Photography:::
::Sarah K. Photography:::
Lit windows intrigue me to no end.
::Sarah K. Photography:::
Audrey and me. {Day 100}
::Sarah K. Photography:::
Em. {Day 99}
::Sarah K. Photography:::
Kentucky evenings. {Day 98}
::Sarah K. Photography:::
Treat. {Day 97}
::Sarah K. Photography:::
Louisville adventures. {Day 96}
::Sarah K. Photography:::
Dinner preparations. {Dy 95}
::Sarah K. Photography:::
Familiar. {Day 94}
::Sarah K. Photography:::
Sick and tired. {Day 93}
::Sarah K. Photography:::
Fallish. {Day 92}
::Sarah K. Photography:::
Baseball. {Day 91}
::Sarah K. Photography:::
Waiting. {Day 90}
::Sarah K. Photography:::
Magnificent Mile. {Day 89}
::Sarah K. Photography:::
In the city. And tired. {Day 88}
::Sarah K. Photography:::
Completely adorable. {Day 87}
::Sarah K. Photography:::
Anticipation. {Day 86}
::Sarah K. Photography:::
Organization....trying, anyway. {Day 85}
::Sarah K. Photography:::
Dear people, dear conversations, and wedding dresses. {Day 84}
::Sarah K. Photography:::
The leaves dropped early this year. {Day 83}
::Sarah K. Photography:::
Aren't these cute? {Day 82}
::Sarah K. Photography:::
This moment. {Day 81}
::Sarah K. Photography:::
Grocery store parking lot. 9 pm. {Day 80}