sarahlane: Got back from Barça one week ago, sure do miss the Barri
sarahlane: In case I made it seem like Barcelona was perfect, apparently people are murdered in their sleep here too.
sarahlane: Barcelona's triumph.
sarahlane: We just hit the market motherload.
sarahlane: He waits patiently, unaware of my presence.
sarahlane: Spain Rocks.
sarahlane: Winter on Montserrat.
sarahlane: Church is in session.
sarahlane: El Pan Face watches over the nice elderly couple on their way home from the playa
sarahlane: This arrow is a liar. Signed, LostGirl
sarahlane: Barca beach bum
sarahlane: Midday snack representing most food groups.
sarahlane: #okupayresiste
sarahlane: A pistachio van steals the scene.
sarahlane: Hammin'
sarahlane: Barca as seen from Iglesia Loco
sarahlane: The other side. Less goth, more LOTR.
sarahlane: Vertical church is vertical
sarahlane: Last night in Paris & Madame Eiffel was pulling out all the stops. Sadly we had to say goodbye. À la prochaine!
sarahlane: Hung out with the boys at Invalides today
sarahlane: This French graffiti looks familiar...