the girl who made it on her own: this is what November feels like
the girl who made it on her own: the repose that I needed
*Nishe: Don't want to wake up
*Nishe: Roses are going to sleep
Elizabeth Gadd: Mighty Cascades
liddygreenaway: little fluffy clouds
Ivone Martínez: Badlands, South Dakota, USA. Mayo 2014
*Nishe: Thinking about you on a rainy afternoon
use less useless words:
Elizabeth Gadd: Wanderer
Anna Korkka: Green forest
Anna Korkka: September
*Nishe: When you leave
alexis mire: untitled
alexis mire: 41/365
alexis mire: defying gravity
alexis mire: 192/365
alexis mire: 247/365