MarianneLoMonaco: Amaero Cat
Vivienne McMaster: Josh Ritter
Alliat: Sunrayhorses
brianstowell: Josh Ritter
redrivernoise: Okkervil River
redrivernoise: Okkervil River
Australian War Memorial collection: A welcome home kiss, 1919
State Library of NSW: Cats' food didn't come out of a can and it was nothing but the best fish - Pt Perpendicular, c 1936 / by Mrs Tulk
Powerhouse Museum Collection: Portrait of a woman seated in a garden
Musée McCord Stewart Museum: Rustico Beach, PE, 1916 (?)
Powerhouse Museum Collection: Rough wooden bridge over river, group with dog on the shore
Powerhouse Museum Collection: Portrait of small barefoot boy on a wooden ladder
Bergen Public Library: NIna Grieg with friends on balcony
Powerhouse Museum Collection: Girls skipping at an athletics carnival
alexis mire: (7/52)
Kalie Garrett: always forever young. Jokulsarlon, Iceland
Herr Schuessler: Weißwangengänse in Gletscherlagune Jökulsárlón
Sambo91: Green tree frog
Violet Kashi: Summer memories