Taylor_B_: Nile
Martjusha: Sunflowers fields forever
davidwatts1978: rain drops end shoulder driving
nicky.reynolds: 72/365 - Losing Touch with Reality
jpcgordon: Julia window
Jan_Karol: El Tajo
Jan_Karol: Muelles de Hamburgo
Jan_Karol: Dark Alley with Reflection
Lluís Sànchez: Flores en Turquía. # Les flors a Turquia.
Jan_Karol: Morning in Ambleteuse
Jan_Karol: A Walk in the Park
Camel@CN: a fading part of the chinese history
Jan_Karol: La Défense
Jan_Karol: Entrance
Mavrickguitarsx: Wealth of Freedom
dominic ball: Banksy v Tower Hamlets Council
Sérgio Vasconcellos: Vitórias-Régias
(((Pablo))): They're invading us!
drburtoni: sunset in the columbia river gorge
www.saramusico.com: The age of innocence
rayhue: waterdrop
Jan_Karol: Tea Time
hogthrobb: another Notredame bridge
Ulissa: singing in the rain
Lucid-Dreams: Con Te Partiro (Time To Say Goodbye)