Sara Light-Waller: John Crichton, Astronaut
Sara Light-Waller: Mural based on Frank R. Paul's artwork
Sara Light-Waller: Art comparisons painting practice — "The Rackets King"
Sara Light-Waller: Art comparisons painting practice — “Serpents of Siva”
Sara Light-Waller: Art comparisons painting practice — MYSTERY magazine cover
Sara Light-Waller: Art comparisons painting practice — Freas ANALOG cover
Sara Light-Waller: Art comparisons painting practice — Emmett Watson cover.
Sara Light-Waller: Art comparisons painting practice — Cosmopolitan cover
Sara Light-Waller: Art comparisons painting practice — “The Five Chameleons”
Sara Light-Waller: Art comparisons painting practice — “Captain Future and the Space Emperor”
Sara Light-Waller: Art comparisons drawing practice — Howard Brown pen & ink
Sara Light-Waller: Art comparisons painting practice — “Meteor Menace”
Sara Light-Waller: Art comparisons painting practice —“Tomorrow We Die”
Sara Light-Waller: Art comparisons painting practice — "The Golden Masks"
Sara Light-Waller: Art comparisons painting practice — “The Man Who Died Twice”
Sara Light-Waller: Uruki and Takiko
Sara Light-Waller: Hotohori of Fushigi Yugi
Sara Light-Waller: Tamahome from Fushigi Yugi
Sara Light-Waller: Tasuki from Fushigi Yugi
Sara Light-Waller: Retro-art space port scene
Sara Light-Waller: "Jaekerling Stands"
Sara Light-Waller: "Dead Ship"
Sara Light-Waller: Color test for book cover star chart. #coloredpencil #starchart #bookcover #originalartwork #scifi #saralightwaller #space
Sara Light-Waller: Preliminary star map book cover design for my new novelette. #bookcover #originalartwork #starmap #scifi #retro #pulpart #saralightwaller
Sara Light-Waller: "PTC Fantasy"
Sara Light-Waller: Small cactus study
Sara Light-Waller: "View From My Kitchen Window"
Sara Light-Waller: "Raven Welcomes" (detail)
Sara Light-Waller: "Small Washington Landscape"