{Sara}: Baby Alligator
{Sara}: Horses at Home
{Sara}: Horses at Home
{Sara}: Horses at Home
{Sara}: Horses at Home
{Sara}: Horses at Home
{Sara}: Horses at Home
{Sara}: Horses at Home
{Sara}: Horses at Home
{Sara}: Horses at Home
{Sara}: Bee Bottom
{Sara}: First harvest of the season, with plenty more in various stages of ripening!!! So exciting!!!
{Sara}: "Morning Visitors"
{Sara}: Orion, the timid kitten
{Sara}: Orion, the timid kitten
{Sara}: Alien kittens!!! Fresh from a bath at the Humane Society of STT.
{Sara}: Black Witch Moth
{Sara}: Trouble on four legs... This is Rocky (my landlord's cat) sitting above my doorway. If there is trouble to be found, he'll find it.
{Sara}: It's tough being this cute! (George on day 3)
{Sara}: Shot of my favorite building in St. Thomas. More to come...
{Sara}: Cats in the Garden VII
{Sara}: Murphy
{Sara}: Squish
{Sara}: #39 Affection
{Sara}: Brookdale Rose Garden
{Sara}: Brookdale Rose Garden
{Sara}: Brookdale Rose Garden