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albums of calix
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Kyrgystan December 2023
Sharjah, UAE, December 2023
Niagara Falls December 2021
Hongneung Arboretum, Seoul, Korea 2023
Korea 2023
Andrew Mackenzie Lifetime NDP Membership Award
LL 2413 50th Anniversary
IWD 2020 Brampton
Comfort Women Rally
Maple Yip July 2019
Steve Owens Memorial 25 September, 2016
Desiree and Lubino Wedding
Noor Zaheer
El Jem, Tunisia
Berlin Food - Hasir Turkish Food
Berlin - Kaiser Willhelm Memorial Church
Berlin - Sana Hotel Bar
Berlin Food - Pratirio Greek Restaurant
25th Anniversary of the first NDP government in Ontario
CBTU Meeting September 2015
Raccoon Roof
Jeongpyong 2014
Omoni and Aboji Korea 2014
CLC Convention Montreal 2014
ACLA 2014 CLC Convention Montreal
2014 IAM + USW Screeners Conference
OFL Convention - 28 November, 2013
Thomas Mulcair at the OFL Convention
Jack Layton Memorial
OFL Convention Day 3
OFL Convention Day 2
2103 OFL Convention Monday
2013 OFL Workers of Colour
Ayesha Jalal 2013
248 Ontario Roof, July 2013
Paris, France June 2013
Day 3 - Staff Conf Atlanta - March to the State Capitol
Staff Conference Day 3 - Atlanta. March to the State Capitol
Day 1 - Staff Conference 2013
Day 2 - Staff Conference Atlanta 2013
Day 3 - Staff Conf Atlanta 2013, Ed Asner
Angel(a) Sinclair
Storytelling at the Musideum
CPPC Toronto
OFL Human Rights Retreat Niagara Falls, 2013
Rally for Rights and Democracy
Thanksgiving 2012
CBTU 2012 Dinner and Dance
OHC Rally at Riverdale Park East
The Attack on Immigrants and Refugees and the Corporate Agenda
Canada Day 2012 excursion
IAM Local 54 Strike at Novelis
Tokyo 2012
CBTU 2012 Convention St. Louis, MO
2012 Seung Min Korea
War & Women's Human Rights Museum 2012
2012 Choo-hyang
2012 Sukyung, Temple, Onggi
2012 Sa-ri + Eun-jin and Young-ja
2012 Juk-ri + Sukkyu and Jinmi
2012 Garden of Morning Calm (Gapyoung-gun, Korea
2012 Korea
Easter 2012
Air Canada Rally 24 Feb, 2012
St. Patrick's Cathederal, Karachi, Pakistan
Pakistani Trucks
Huldi Ceremony
Dolly Aunty's House
2011 New Year's Eve Karachi
OFL2011 Bay Street Demo
Staff Conference 2011
NDP Caucus Reunion
Mum 13 August, 2011
Sex Museum, Amsterdam
Saptels in Germany
Amsterdam July 2011
Bike culture in Amsterdam
Saptel Reunion July 2011
2011 Chinese Workers Memorial - Wreath-Laying ceremony
Korean Workers' Forum - ACLA
Filipino Event
CCNC TO 31-03-2007
Demo to support CAW at Pearson Airport 15 June 2011
CLC 2011 Vancouver
Jack Layton Rally. Scarborough
May Day 2011 - Dufferin Grove Park
Nagar Kirtan 2011
Easter 2011
NDP Rally with Jack Layton
OFL Workers of Colour Assembly
Hina Jilani in Toronto
Bob Mackenzie Memorial
SAPTELS 12 March, 2011
Saptel Reunion 12 March 2011
Saptel Reunion 14May2005
Black History Month 2011, OFL
Winnie Ng 60th Birthday Party
Punjabi Workers Advice Centre
Guests 01/01/2011
Mum Christmas 2010
Mum 18 Dec, 2010
CLiFF Toronto 2010
CLiFF Toronto 2010
YK Parents AugSept2010
Guests, 21 August, 2010
Party - 21 August, 2010
Ishar - The Big TWO
Racialised candidates forum: ACLA, CBTU, LATUC
LabourStart2010, Hamilton, ON
Brian and Sandra Wedding 1
Brian and Sandra Wedding 2
Pascal and Michele Wedding
ACLA 10th Anniversary
Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa
248 Ontario
Black History Month 2010
CBTU Dinner 2009
IAM Communications Conference 2009, Vancouver
LATUC 2009
Labour Day 2009 Toronto
Québec City 2009
IAMAW Staff Conference 2009
Pinehurst, August 2009
South Asian food festival
Jamaica - zipline tour
Portraits, ONDP Convention
Speeches before Debate
Debate, ONDP Convention
Gaza demo 10 Jan 2009 Toronto
LabourTech2008 Toronto
Kopi (coffee)
Oak Street Co-op Volunteers party
Good Jobs Summit
Tariq Ali in Toronto, 14 November 2008
LabourTech 2008
CBTU Ontario Dinner 2008
Oak Street Brunch and Compost Workshop
Laos 2001
Troops out of Afghanistan
Putting Care on the Map
Monterey (Pebble Beach), California, August 2008
San Francisco, August 2008
Mariposa 2008 Orillia, Ontario
Graduation - National Labor College
Donald C. MacDonald Memorial
Workers of Colour Conference (TYRLC) 2008
IWD 2008 Toronto
Snow Day March 2008. Toronto
Lunar New Year 2008
Port Dover, Ontario
ASNT "Evaporation" International Human Rights Day
Oak Street Co-op Party
Photos 27 Nov 2007
No to Emergency Rule in Pakistan
Malalai Joyia
Bolsheviki, David Fennario
Migrante Ontario Launch
Don River Trail
Through the looking glass
NLC Portraits 2007
NLC Mother Jones Plaque 2007
NLC Around the Campus 2007
Korean Seniors Ass'n Fundraiser
NLC GenEd Week 2007
Niagara Falls 09/2007
Sandra Gonzalez NDP
IAM Forum - North Bay 2007
IAM Forum - Trenton 2007
IAM Forum - Mississauga 2007
IAM Forum - St. Thomas 2007
LL2061 Strike, Orlando, FL 2007
IAM Portraits
Presidential Candidates 2007 (USA)
Shelley Martel Farewell
Olivia's 70th Birthday, 2007
Threadbare Film Launch, August 2007
Township of Perry, ON 2007
North Bay, ON Aug 2007
Orielvis In Korea 2007
Canada Day 2007 - Chinese Railroad Workers Memorial
Pride 2007 Toronto
Kim Jang (김 장) Dec 2004
Baltimore (2007)
Jane's on the Common, Halifax (2007)
Public Gardens Halifax
CALM Conference 2007, Halifax
Slideshow from Deb Lethbridge's Memorial
Deb Lethbridge Memorial (2007)
Bhopal in 2007
Women and Work Project (2007)
Jeju-do miscellaneous (2006)
Jeju-do U-do Island (2006)
Jeju-do Peace Museum (2006)
Jeju-do Onggi (2006)
Jeju-do Muldurinay (2006)
Jeju-do Tea House (2006)
Dream of Spring party (2006)
Dreams (2006)
Faith in 11 (2006)
Iraqi Women
Festival of South Asia
Traditional South Asian Dance
OFL Picnic
Gulf of Georgia Cannery
Steveston, British Columbia
Richmond, B.C. (2006)
Savannah's Baptism (2006)
Cindy Sheehan (2006)
Castle Frank
East Riverdale Park
Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Church
Luminous Veil
Gwangju 2005
Busan, South Korea 2005
South Korea 2005
North Korea 2005
Mongolia 2005
Jishin Balpgi (지신밟기) 2005, Koreatown, Toronto
Northeastern Ontario 2004
Yukon 2001
Street Shots Toronto
Tahir Khan Vigil 2006