saowanit: IMG_0523
saowanit: Boiled veggies
saowanit: Free luch box (Bento)
saowanit: Noodle
saowanit: Sticky rice with veggies
saowanit: Some type od food look like Pizza but different
saowanit: Fish grilled
saowanit: Mixed grilled
saowanit: tempura
saowanit: Big bowl of noodle
saowanit: Shushi, Tempura and Soya sauce with Vasabi
saowanit: Japanese Salad
saowanit: Some type of noodle (Japanese)
saowanit: Breakfast
saowanit: Common daily food
saowanit: Bento
saowanit: What would you like to eat?
saowanit: Sushi
saowanit: Grilled trout
saowanit: Japanese food-with Japanese tea on the right cotton for cleaning the hands before eatting and-menu would be served on the top right
saowanit: old cooking Japanese style in old traditional house museum
saowanit: DSC04674
saowanit: Hat Yai Veiw from the hill
saowanit: Temple (Thailand)
saowanit: Clever bear
saowanit: Temple
saowanit: Ceremony to be the monk hood in Thailand for buddhist monks.
saowanit: Flowers1
saowanit: Flower2
saowanit: Action!!!