satolut: with a sheep (Kirishima)
ISO1977: kite day
ISO1977: angel's flight
ISO1977: first impressions
satolut: DSC00239
ISO1977: birthday year 2
ISO1977: 7 months
satolut: タケノコ
ISO1977: little helper
ISO1977: wot ?
ISO1977: evening slowdown pumpkin
ISO1977: serious pumpkin
ISO1977: when i leave in the morning
ISO1977: paternal grandparents
ISO1977: native californian
ISO1977: inside joke
ISO1977: curving tracks
ISO1977: an idea forming
tsaiproject: Lipan Point, South Rim, Grand Canyon
ISO1977: at rest
ISO1977: watts towers 2x exposure
ISO1977: IMG_0120
ISO1977: tiki toast (to self)
Sandy kanako: IMG_9558 (3)
ISO1977: feline nutrition
ISO1977: heat exhaustion
mojocoffee: Jack-o'-lantern
ISO1977: ernest the goat
ISO1977: beetle rock
ISO1977: ブルーベリーの姫様