nep000: Zanzibar!
alexis.feuillet: La beauté de la simplicité.
Jenna Pinkham: blue hour ii
haraldna: Image t2
Engineer J: Punjnad visit with family (5 River Junction)
Helena Normark: Intricate ice crack
Helena Normark: Ice-crack with fins
Helena Normark: Ice-skating in snow-storm
Helena Normark: Ice-skating in snow-storm
Helena Normark: Old Farm
Helena Normark: Lone tree revisited
GeirB,: Last day of sun this year, sunrise and sunset within 10 minutes
Helena Normark: Golden sparkle
Helena Normark: Light in the woods
Helena Normark: Old wooden posts
Jamie Long*: DSCF1092.jpg
Jamie Long*: DSCF1080.jpg
GeirB,: Walk or bike, your choice MZUNGU by JARLE NAUSTVIK
GeirB,: Blue evening, Vadsø
nep000: Ships that pass in the night, and speak each other in passing, only a signal shown, and a distant voice in the darkness; So on the ocean of life, we pass and speak one another, only a look and a voice, then darkness again and a silence.
erlingsi: Inn i fjorden -|- Into a fjord
haraldna: DSC_0068c
GeirB,: Friday 13th of march
sinikkawg: Andøya 2
sinikkawg: Fog 2
sinikkawg: Fog 4
sinikkawg: Fog 5
Helena Normark: Linesøya