Sandwick: P6224963
Sandwick: P6224965
Sandwick: P6224964
Sandwick: IMAG0380-1
Sandwick: CNV00008
Sandwick: CNV00005
Sandwick: OMG!! We have such a strong connection.
Sandwick: at Egton Rails
Sandwick: The moor top from Stonegate to Lealholm
Sandwick: Commuting - the moor road
Sandwick: Above Lealholm
Sandwick: lunch stop - beware dangerous cliffs
Sandwick: from egton rails
Sandwick: At Egton
Sandwick: Untitled
Sandwick: Whitby
Sandwick: Lealholm Quoits
Sandwick: Lealholm, on the green.
Sandwick: img602.jpg