sandromars: Trevi - Panorama
sandromars: In a sign of Impressionism
sandromars: Some of the Park flowers
sandromars: At sunset the bumps are read better
sandromars: Castelluccio and its flat
sandromars: Norcia :St. Benedict Square / Piazza S.Benedetto
sandromars: Castelluccio:As in a crib/Come in un Presepe...the main street/ la strada principale
sandromars: Castelluccio : As in a Crib / come in un presepe ...The small square of village / la piazzetta del borgo
sandromars: Near Castelluccio :As in a crib / come in un Presepe ...The sheep to graze the grass of the pastures/La pecorella a brucare l'erba dei pascoli .
sandromars: Castelluccio :As in a crib /come in un presepe pastore col suo gregge / The shepherd with his flock
sandromars: Castelluccio di Norcia e mt.Vettore 2476 m.
sandromars: Castelluccio : a beloved valley from a whole nation
sandromars: Castelluccio :Piano Grande -Wherever beautiful combinations of colors
sandromars: Castelluccio e il Parco dei Monti Sibillini
sandromars: Castelluccio : View of Piano Grande in August ! Its beautiful colors
sandromars: Castelluccio : Sunset / Tramonto
sandromars: Castelluccio : Landscape /Paesaggio