Swisshead: Explored - Lake Lauerz Switzerland
Greg from Maine: Jordan Pond in Acadia Maine image m1a6854
Kenldallany: Body, mind and soul.
Kenldallany: Happy Lunar New Year 2023
Kenldallany: You are the sweetest feeling I know
david t ruddock: The lovely Lake
ej - nature photography: Idyllic swiss countryside Part II
SKeysImages: striped bee 2409aCS
Vest der ute: Norwegian Fjord
Vest der ute: Ølensvåg, Norway
Vest der ute: Etne, Notway
Vest der ute: Nedstrand, Norway
yabberdab: Eye, Eye
yabberdab: Fyne Reflections
SKeysImages: Roseate1904dCS
Phil's Pixels: Forest Trail
Peter Quinn1: Survivor
SKeysImages: HoodedMerg2201fCS
Alex Noriega.: Black Flames
Bonnieg2010: Wedge Pond 4078
davolly59: In the willow
hph46: Sørvágsvatn and Trælanipa
Outstanding_macro: Golden beetle
Jan van der Wolf: Stairway in a museum
Albert Wirtz @ Landscape and Nature Photography: *25 seconds on the golden river*
2n2907: Abstract Reflection
Guy Schmickle: Wintry Cathedral Rock
davolly59: Making rain
Phil's Pixels: Cloud Nine