Images of Maine | Charlie Widdis Photography: Want a great way to get some Christmas shopping done and help out a great cause? The 2016 Charlie Widdis Photography Calendar is on sale and for the month of October I am donating 10% of all my sales under $250 and 15% of any sales over $250 to the Americ
Images of Maine | Charlie Widdis Photography: We're entering the last few days before the Chasing the Light landscape photography workshop I am teaching with @parttimevagabond. There are still some slots open, so sign up before it's too late! #maine #lighthouse #photography #lan
Images of Maine | Charlie Widdis Photography: ~Clock Out ~ This was a great sunset from Ferry Beach. While wander around the tidal flats during a particularly low tide, I found this great boat as the sun began to set. While I was shooting, I was joined by a locals dog who sat with me for a while as