Sam Means: Keys in hand. Believe it or not, I’m thrilled.
Sam Means: Parents
Sam Means: Wrapping up the 10th year of @hellomerch with a lil logo update.. Who wants a button?
Sam Means: Row 1-10 @hellomerch 🌈✨
Sam Means: HNY ✨
Sam Means: 🌲✌️❤️
Sam Means: Photo
Sam Means: “The Wasteland” ✨
Sam Means: Frankie in da house
Sam Means: 🎶
Sam Means: I’ve been married to @anitameans for 14 years now. Not sure how that’s possible, but I’m one lucky dude, right?! 😍 Thanks for an awesome day. Time to binge watch Better Call Saul.
Sam Means: I don’t want no hippie pad. I want a house just like mom and dad.
Sam Means: Happy Birthday, Birdie ✨
Sam Means: Say Happy Birthday to this amazing person. Love you @anitameans ❤️🎉🎁 #qualitymeat
Sam Means: We’re in the process of buying an amazing historic property in Downtown Phoenix for @hellomerch. Pull up a chair @850wlincoln if you’re into badass stuff.
Sam Means: Dude, this record is 15 years old. I remember the endless unnecessary Pro Tools editing like it was yesterday. And cigarettes. So many sweet, delicious cigarettes. That’s about it. Cool picture @weirdvinylgirl!
Sam Means: Have a JERK in your life? Hit up @moodringer. Also, the jerk that has @moodringers and isn’t using it.. I’ll give you $20 and a Taco Bell gift card for that username, buddy 😘
Sam Means: aka 10 years.
Sam Means: Fun day with @encino_maam ()and @tomsilvajr
Sam Means: Jan 2005. Anita and I were just married and decided it was time to find a friend for Apples. There was an old guy in the newspaper with a litter of Rat Terriers for sale, so I called and arranged to meet him in a parking lot off 83rd Ave. Kinda sketchy, I
Sam Means: All dressed up for picture day 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Sam Means: 👀
Sam Means: 7 more years, Birdie.
Sam Means: Good times in Pine this weekend, celebrating my dude, Ian J. Stupar.
Sam Means: Party Time
Sam Means: open-uri20180822-6170-1cjwhzj
Sam Means: Working on big things, casually advertising new little things. Who doesn’t like stickers? Get with it.
Sam Means: 👩‍👧‍♂️