Chris B@rlow: And they're off
Lisa Roeder: Coyote Bliss
fascinationwildlife: Arctic tern
Victoria Morrow: Busy nectar feeder
marlin harms: Brant Coming In Over Full Bay
marlin harms: Brant Coming Down
Dave_Lawrence: Band-tailed Pigeon---Patagioenas fasciata
Dave_Lawrence: Semipalmated Plover---Charadrius semipalmatus
Lisa Roeder: Ferruginous Hawk wing extension
MikeTango805: Carbon Cub UL
Turk Images: Mountain Lion
lamoustique: Killdeer under tree
koen_jacobs: Crossings
davdenic: Diagonal
fascinationwildlife: Indian grey mongoose
Victoria Morrow: Wacky feeder crowd—I count 12
Mimi Ditchie: Alpenglow Above Convict Lake
lamoustique: Polka dot pantaloons
Jack and Petra Clayton: Greater White-fronted Goose (Anser albifrons), Arroyo Laguna, Hearst San Simeon State Park, CA
avilacats: Healthy boy!
avilacats: Coyote
Dave_Lawrence: Band-tailed Pigeon---Patagioenas fasciata
Jack and Petra Clayton: House Wren (Troglodytes aedon), Arroyo Grande, CA
Jack and Petra Clayton: Red-breasted Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus ruber), Arroyo Grande, CA
fascinationwildlife: Short-eared owl
Dave_Lawrence: Sanderling---Calidris alba
Chris B@rlow: Ain't no mountain high enough