Hugo B-c: _DSC7376
Martre*: Gizia
N. Toitot: T'anneries
Raymond J Barlow: Brown Violetear in Flight
lilian.lemonnier: Misty Mood
francky25: Cascade 2 sur les pertes de l'Ain
dodgeon: top of kings cascades
brodmann's 17: stretch
Raymond J Barlow: Golden-Crowned Emerald Hummingbird
David Seibel: Yellow-throated Warbler on redbud
Bjarni in Iceland: Pectoral Sandpiper (Rákatíta)Calidris melanotos
Mathieu G.U.Y: La Serpentine
francky25: Cascade amont de Raffenot
hvhe1: Beautiful Sunbird
m. geven: Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor)
hvhe1: The small things
m. geven: Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor)
vertigo_111: 5126_dev
vertigo_111: 4358_dev
RLJ Photography NYC: Don't Walk Into The Light
m. geven: Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe)
Michel G-A: Lophornis ornatus
bayucca: Rufous-tailed Hummingbird (Amazilia tzacatl)
Pillot: Phaéton à Bec Jaune
albatros11: Bientôt l'été , Crique de Gouraya , Algérie.
vertigo_111: 6923_dev
LawrenceNeo: Purple-throated Sunbird (Nectarinia sperata @ LPR_20110121_0701
LawrenceNeo: Silver-breasted Broadbill 银胸絲冠鳥 (Serilophus lunatus) @ BT_20110306_0559
LawrenceNeo: Black-and-red Broadbill (Cymbirhynchus macrorhynchos) @ KKC_20110601_0141