curculio: Sara in front of the Gatineau collections facility.
curculio: Snowy entrance to the Gatineau, Quebec facility.
curculio: Some random scarabs.
curculio: Invertebrate collections.
curculio: Display boxes
curculio: Display boxes
curculio: Giant clam!
curculio: Conotrachelus (and other Molytinae) drawers.
curculio: Conotrachelus
curculio: Beetle collections
curculio: Beetle collections
curculio: Unsorted Conotrachelus beetles. Who knows how many undescribed species new to science lie here?
curculio: Slides from collecting trips from Dr. Henry Howden.
curculio: Sorted Conotrachelus drawers.
curculio: Nearctic Conotrachelus.
curculio: Conotrachelus schoofi specimen showing the median ridge down the distal end of the tibia and the uncus on the metatibia.
curculio: Québec. Our cabbie didn't speak English.
curculio: A still mostly frozen Ottawa River.
curculio: At the National Gallery with the Parliment buildings in the background.
curculio: Parliment Hill
curculio: The public entrance to the Canadian Museum of Nature in downtown Ottawa.
curculio: Birds on display at the Canadian Museum of Nature.
curculio: the only friend I can treat like dirt
curculio: Conotrachelus corni specimens. These guys are tiny.
curculio: H. bellicosus
curculio: Rhigus vespertilio
curculio: Most of the specimens I've selected and sorted for borrowing.
curculio: jewels
curculio: Office cubicles at the Canadian Museum of Nature
curculio: in the collections