curculio: House of poutine
curculio: Poutine in Quebec
curculio: Broad-nosed weevils
curculio: Broad-nosed weevils
curculio: the apogee: iridescent polka dots
curculio: Broad-nosed weevils
curculio: some dapper looking baridine weevils
curculio: Broad-nosed weevils ( I love the colored legs)
curculio: hunting for weevils
curculio: external of the public exhibit building of the Canadian Museum of Nature
curculio: Broad-nosed weevils
curculio: Broad-nosed weevils
curculio: polka dots
curculio: Broad-nosed weevils
curculio: their iridescent lines are really striking in person
curculio: Broad-nosed weevils
curculio: Broad-nosed weevils
curculio: Broad-nosed weevils
curculio: Weevils from Panama
curculio: Sorting through unsorted leaf-litter samples from Central America.
curculio: Sorted leaf-litter material from Central America
curculio: tiger stripes
curculio: Cratosoma fasciatopunctatus (love this name)
curculio: Cratosoma bombina
curculio: Cratosoma nr. dumosus
curculio: Above ground beetle bunker (with giant clam)
curculio: in the collections
curculio: Office cubicles at the Canadian Museum of Nature
curculio: jewels
curculio: Most of the specimens I've selected and sorted for borrowing.