sambot: Dad and Present Pile
sambot: Is this Necessary?
sambot: The Boys
sambot: Mimi and Present Pile
sambot: Dad, Mimi, Present Pile
sambot: The Gateway to Hell
sambot: Brian is Terrified
sambot: Car Full of Idiots!
sambot: Reflection
sambot: Inviting?
sambot: It's Like Quantum Leap
sambot: Bear
sambot: Drunk Mom
sambot: Eating a Xmanakkah Puck
sambot: Brian and Camera
sambot: Dad gets a Wagon
sambot: Dad has Wheel Breasts
sambot: Mom and a Thing
sambot: Foam Brushes!? Thanks...
sambot: Cookies
sambot: Large Box
sambot: Dad has the Best Taste in T-Shirts
sambot: They're Married
sambot: Dad gets a Fluffy Hat
sambot: Dad and Hat
sambot: Dad and Offspring
sambot: Quinnipiac T-Shirts
sambot: Rosemary's Baby
sambot: UHa
sambot: Mutual Present