sambot: This is the face I make when forced to endure “It’s a Small World.”
sambot: Big Al strikes again! This time, he’s gonna vomit on you from a rooftop. (Of all the characters in the vast Disney universe, Big Al is grossly under appreciated. Strong emphasis on “grossly.”)
sambot: Day 1: Despite rain, morale high.
sambot: He’s sulking because I wouldn’t let him eat my sock.
sambot: I know everyone is posting pictures of ice encased trees today… so… here’s another.
sambot: I’m getting SO good at selfies.
sambot: Sometimes you just have to take a selfie with your dog… even though he rolled in a dead thing in the woods and smells like a dumpster. 🐕💀
sambot: Every 7-year-old needs a cozy reading nook.
sambot: 🎅👍
sambot: Taking the new mug out for its maiden voyage. Thanks, li’l sis!
sambot: Now I can cancel my data plan.
sambot: After a brief hiatus, I’m back working on build number 2. Just starting to visualize the end result. #luthier
sambot: Worlds most tolerant dog.
sambot: “In the space provided, draw a family portrait in a crowded elevator.” Didn’t specify which family… and it is space. So… nailed it!
sambot: Mini New Haven
sambot: East Rockers.
sambot: 🐧 ❄️
sambot: Handsome Dan tolerates Handsome Jones.
sambot: Jammin’ with pa.
sambot: Practicing my selfie skills with an infrared heat camera.
sambot: Are you terrified? I’m terrified. 💀
sambot: Shiny pants!
sambot: Five… for real.
sambot: Jigsaw blade and vise grips. The pumpkin cutter is busted. 🎃
sambot: Cider donut season.
sambot: Five! Well, five-ish. His real birthday is on Monday.
sambot: Mad selfie skills.
sambot: Thought I’d tour the California Capitol building because I don’t know when I’LL BE BACK in Sacramento. (Best I could come up with…)
sambot: Weekend progress on build numero dos. Trying out my own shape ideas. No template with this one. Kind of a skewed Jag shape with chopped Tele bits. #Luthier
sambot: Yep, Durham.