// jackie: IMG_5404
// jackie: Conundrum Hot Springs
// jackie: Sunday
// jackie: Canadian caterpillar
// jackie: gaspesie to gaspe
// jackie: summer shoes
// jackie: Phuket Town
// jackie: Nangyuan Island
// jackie: 50 cents
// jackie: sunset brews
Michael Thurber: Common Good Farm
atomicity: why I live at the airport
Az..: IMG_3299
meliscarm: All Hallows' Eve midnight stroll
Andreas von Scheele: coneyislandphil
RUAMPS ©: Maison de l'Inde, cité universitaire [1968]- Paris XIV
Graeme Warren: Hillier Gardens, Hampshire
Graeme Warren: Red Arrows
TheGodParticle: Size comparison: (left to right)(1.) Voigtlander Heliar 75/f2.5 LTM (2.) Leica APO Summicron 75/f2 ASPH. FLE. (3.) Leica Summilux 75/f1.4 (4.) Leica APO Summicron 90/f2 ASPH. (5.) Leica Summicron M 90/f2 E55 (6.) Leica Elmarit M 90/f2.8
Quinn B Wharton: Beginning of a 2hr hike to a monastery. I'm a little awed #vscocam #india #ladakh #incredibleindiaofficial #canyon #mountain
gina64: Watching TV
RUAMPS ©: Maison de l'architecte Henry Jacques Le Même [1928]- Megève
RUAMPS ©: Immeuble le Sonacotra (Adoma) [1974]- Paris XV
RUAMPS ©: Maison des Arums [1904-05]- Paris VII