Victor Francés: Quan cau la nit
FadeToBlackLP: Light Line. 236-366.
jrandet: Origen
Valero-Xixona: a night of mystery
Hannu Huhtamo: Expansion
Tim-Medcalf: Open-minded 16/52
palateth: LET'S HIKE
palateth: International Light Art Congress Oviedo 2016
Sasa Lightpainting: "Tomando un respiro" / "Taking a break"
palateth: Meltdown
darklogan1: Touching the clouds.
darklogan1: Bury me under the stars.
palateth: Group shot
palateth: Fill the dark
Hugo Baptista: Velvet Scape I
Hugo Baptista: Hybrid Transformation
Hugo Baptista: Hybrids
Hugo Baptista: Misty Meadow
Antonio Martínez Tomás: Clorofila cálida
Tim-Medcalf: 345|365 The grinch
jeswin20: "Fallen Angel"
palateth: Vacation duties
Frodo DKL: Guadamía Beach Lights
martbarras: Summoning Entities.
Mar_Alonso: 03371-3Lightpainting