patricio villarroel bórquez: quelque part 2027
crysse*: the wave
Rebecca_Cruz: Face-Jeph (Ballpoint Pen)
Mainsink: Hardware: iPad Pro 2 w/ Apple Pencil Software: iOS 11.2.5 Beta Application: Procreate 4 Title: King of the Jungle H&M Illustrated by yours truly Main’s Ink
suzi54241: 151 Vanilla Sushi
suzi54241: So Thankful
Arturo Espinosa: El Pirineo catalán.
He Is Reason: Colin Meloy painting 1.1
ipad junkie: Cobol for Julia Kay's Portrait Party
andrewmirzoian: поцелуй
andrewmirzoian: 08.05.16 - 3
andrewmirzoian: интерьер с мандаринами
andrewmirzoian: Topography No.2
Linderesa: Sarah Mackenzie for JKPP
luli ~~: André Capella Arena for JKPP
wrightbrain: Richard
Mainsink: Hardware: iPad Pro 2nd Gen with Apple Pencil OS: iOS 11.02 Software: Procreate 4 Character: Blisstina “Bliss” the original Power Puff Girl
suzi54241: Rooster
Carsten Smithby - caschie - casby: Benedict Cumberbatch
Peaceful Forest: 171013 Houston TX
hgberk (Helene Goldberg): A Matter of Perspective
Carsten Smithby - caschie - casby: eejayseabee for JKPP
Matt_Connors: Early Bird
cobol: Partly inspired by Kristina's photo in sktchy Pastel on watercolour paper
suzi54241: 137 ICE