* Yumi *: newly born momiji
*chantal*: H, before she cut her hair
Zeb Andrews: And some of them are clouds, 15 seconds
Matt Osborne (MrLeica.Com): Mamiya RZ + 6x6 Film Back
柳丁皮蒙面俠: CONTAX T3超棒
Dmitriy Ryabov: Together Through Life
bolas: Agata
don.evenson: Sandstone Fins
tolliv: F01868 Miss Tatoo
Martin's Little Shop of Photos: The after-glowing skull
Martin Gommel: Please read…
colby.t: Out of Me
Is not what you want: Chih Han Yang
JACRIS08: Sueños
Roland C. Vogt: Twisted | November 2014 | Olympus E-P5 | OLYMPUS M.12-50mm F3.5-6.3
里卡豆: 黃昏時分 Sunset dusk |Voigtlander 42.5mm
titanikascontainer1: HipstaPrint