~Saira~: Is this where you reside?
~Saira~: Your unheard long stories should stay with you.
~Saira~: What isn’t mediocre!
~Saira~: Its so hard to deal with apparently normal, but extremely psychotic people everyday
~Saira~: Unseen, unheard
~Saira~: what if when we talk about them and say their names, everyone in heaven smiles because they re talking about how much they love us too
~Saira~: Blessed are those who carried themselves to light from darkness 🍂
~Saira~: Simultaneously and hidden
~Saira~: Don’t visit me when I am unwell
~Saira~: We all have void in our hearts…thats how we are made…🍂
~Saira~: And then there are people who hold your hand, help you climb the toughest mountain, take you to the top and just when you’re exited to reach the top, they push you down from there…and before you die because of gravity, you die because of grief
~Saira~: The light enters my soul only when I read what you want to tell me…My Lord!
~Saira~: If you knew how long it took some people to recover their peace of mind and happiness, you'll understand why they shut all doors at any slight discovery of toxicity and also why they can be so picky about who they allow in their lives. #life #serenity
~Saira~: Twin valleys #depth #valleys #deosai
~Saira~: Only close to the farthest—somewhere in space from where I came and will go back
~Saira~: Me with me
~Saira~: Randomness
~Saira~: In fact...
~Saira~: Let's exchange our all colors and define a Rainbow!!
~Saira~: Realize!!
~Saira~: Moving on into the light of my colors!!
~Saira~: When you can't take your eyes off the sky!
~Saira~: Smile! Its the only cure...
~Saira~: Giggles of Life
~Saira~: Nature's soul blossoming
~Saira~: Its raining everywhere!!
~Saira~: Leaves of different colors
~Saira~: Just a little sunshine to kill the darkness!!
~Saira~: Morning Walk
~Saira~: All shades of Green