Kat Lewis: Monterey Bay Marina
Kat Lewis: High and Low
Kat Lewis: Oh, Oregon
Kat Lewis: Make Empathy Great Again
Kat Lewis: Family
Kat Lewis: Cluster
Kat Lewis: Teton Valley
Kat Lewis: Dreamy
Kat Lewis: Momma Grizzly
Kat Lewis: Montana Sunset
Kat Lewis: Golden Hour
Kat Lewis: Love in the Tetons
Kat Lewis: Antelope Island
Kat Lewis: A Bride's Smile
Kat Lewis: Old Faithful
Kat Lewis: Banana Slug
Kat Lewis: A Blue Spring
Kat Lewis: Widow's Peak on the Widow's Deck
Kat Lewis: A Marmot and a Waterfall
Kat Lewis: Take Off!
Kat Lewis: Through It All
Kat Lewis: Lights
Kat Lewis: Reflections
Kat Lewis: Nap Time
Kat Lewis: Peace
Kat Lewis: A Portrait of Natural Proportions
Kat Lewis: Winter on the Palouse
Kat Lewis: Self Portrait
Kat Lewis: Framed
Kat Lewis: l i g h t