sagipolley: 2016-07-26_17-40-50
sagipolley: Now: fire. Later: pizza.
sagipolley: Thorny
sagipolley: Fields at dusk
sagipolley: Mellow
sagipolley: Netting
sagipolley: New. I like, but I'm not sure about the way they're arranged…
sagipolley: Mud oven progress update: finished plastering the dome, now moving down to the rest of the cob.
sagipolley: #iseefaces
sagipolley: Steel changes color when heated.
sagipolley: Mud oven progress update (3): it now also has a much nicer chimney. And the plastering is coming on well.
sagipolley: Mud oven progress update (2): we can finally bake in it.
sagipolley: Mud oven progress update (1): it gets pretty warm (though later I saw 284°C).
sagipolley: Sandstorm means everything is bathed in an unearthly yellow light.
sagipolley: #yplac
sagipolley: Mud oven progress update: started plastering over the insulation.
sagipolley: I didn't know Trump was visiting Israel.
sagipolley: "Trands"
sagipolley: Mud oven progress update: the hair transplant was a success! The straw insulation is finally finished.
sagipolley: Let me out! #iseefaces
sagipolley: Mud oven progress update: added more straw insulation, and gave baldy a bit of a haircut.
sagipolley: Mud oven progress update: I know this looks a bit shit, but once the straw insulation has a nice smooth layer of plaster over it, it'll be fine…
sagipolley: #iseefaces
sagipolley: #iseefaces
sagipolley: Mud oven progress update: started cobbing over the fugly chimney base that I added yesterday.
sagipolley: Mud oven progress update: added a base and plenum for the chimney, which will sit where that orange circle is. It's not pretty, but soon it will be covered by a layer of cob, so it doesn't really matter.
sagipolley: Insert "good wood" joke here.
sagipolley: Mud oven progress update: today we tested a makeshift chimney. It worked pretty well!
sagipolley: Interesting parking