mr. huckleberry & the milosaur: Candy Cake! a.k.a. Lunch for the next three days. Happy Birthday @stevehaske !
mr. huckleberry & the milosaur: Second day of school! (never mind about the first day!) #oops #lazymom
mr. huckleberry & the milosaur: Last day of kindergarten and first grade for these guys! Huck wanted crazy hair.
mr. huckleberry & the milosaur: Milo building a #bike with a stick. So, if this bike falls apart while you're riding it, this is why!
mr. huckleberry & the milosaur: Milo building a #bike with a stick. So, if this bike falls apart while you're riding it, this is why!
mr. huckleberry & the milosaur: Even at a young age, I had impeccable #style . #BettyBoop #LeClick #jams #tbt
mr. huckleberry & the milosaur: @courtr78 'n' me at the Midwinter Madness dance circa 1992 or so. #tbt #bff #twinsies
mr. huckleberry & the milosaur: One thing I love about moving back to The South: You can buy raw #peanuts in the grocery store! I love boiling peanuts in a salt and garlic brine. Couldn't find raw peanuts in any grocery store or farmers market in SoCal (believe me, I tried!). #boiledpea
mr. huckleberry & the milosaur: I'm a little obsessed with the tree blossoms. #spring
mr. huckleberry & the milosaur: Backyard trees are blooming! Love it! #spring #cville #charlottesville
mr. huckleberry & the milosaur: Found Mom's #sequins stash from the 80s in a drawer. Nice neons and pastels in here! I remember her sewing sequins onto graphic tees to jazz them up. I think I'll have to do that! #creativemamas #makeyousomethin
mr. huckleberry & the milosaur: View from the backyard tonight. #insanelyfrickingorgeous #cville #sunset
mr. huckleberry & the milosaur: Crazy dramatic #sunset tonight.
mr. huckleberry & the milosaur: Rainy Sunday afternoon #DIY project: #pixiecut and eyebrow trim.
mr. huckleberry & the milosaur: Grandma's donut cutter with her initials carved into it. Gonna give this baby a whirl this morning.
mr. huckleberry & the milosaur: Birthday sugar crash in about 2 hours.
mr. huckleberry & the milosaur: Glue #batik #Easter eggs for @spoonfuldotcom are coming out ahhhhmazing! Hope to have the tutorial up by the end of today!
mr. huckleberry & the milosaur: Homemade #lumpia (Filipino egg rolls). I'm not 100% happy with my rolling technique, but I'm hoping the flavor holds up to Mom's.
mr. huckleberry & the milosaur: Getting ready to hear Chip Kidd give a talk about graphic design for kids as part of Story Fest. #widn @casakelley tagging @bobbledymom @sarajcarr @salsapie @elissaduncan
mr. huckleberry & the milosaur: #tbt Going through Flickr for a timeline project for school.
mr. huckleberry & the milosaur: Trying out cauliflower rice tonight. Tastes okay to me, but will it fool the boys?
mr. huckleberry & the milosaur: Upside down day! You'd better eat all of your dessert, or no dinner this morning, young man.
mr. huckleberry & the milosaur: He still uses the #monster #sleepmask I made for him. #sick #fever #poorbaby
mr. huckleberry & the milosaur: Hanging some art in the new house today. #mantastic #mannoying #sosometa