Willbryantplz: Wise Words for Lunch
sidewaysglances: starryhaired
The Library of Congress: ["The Dunes," Frank Bestow Wiborg house, Highway Behind the Pond, East Hampton, New York. (LOC)
Carl W. Heindl: F1000020
Carl W. Heindl: F1000002
Sherri DuPree Bemis: Worked on the side of this bookcase most of the day. So fun! I've never painted like this before but I've always wanted to try.
boonie bot: zonsonder
Chris Piascik: 20111104 Creative Block
carnagenyc: All of the lights
carnagenyc: Machete?
carnagenyc: Hense
paper whistle: hell is hotter
carnagenyc: OC Ed Fausts Suresy