saayon: Cubs Play
saayon: Diwali Lights
saayon: Durga
saayon: Lord Ganesha, the Hindu goddess with the head of a elephant #Ganesha#creative#canoneos80d
saayon: Panggong Tso 2
saayon: Panggong Tso is a high altitude saltwater lake bordering India and China. This lake changes its colour many times in a day based on the sun and clouds.Here is a photo in the dusk with heavy clouds setting in. #PanggongTso#Ladakh#himalaya#lake#india#lonel
saayon: The Jump
saayon: The Lazy Tiger
saayon: Langkawi Sunset
saayon: The Boat
saayon: Eye of the Tiger
saayon: Sanctum
saayon: flutter 2
saayon: Flutter
saayon: Sea Sunrise
saayon: The Drops
saayon: The Band
saayon: IMG_0035-1
saayon: The core
saayon: Nets
saayon: Solitude
saayon: The lighted Dam
saayon: Emotion in Motion
saayon: The watering Hole
saayon: Stripes
saayon: Seal Island
saayon: The Leap !
saayon: Southern Cape
saayon: The Lion King 2
saayon: Miles to go ...