saarloosandsons: The Local Jerk : Well, now that every mailbox in the valley has delivered your best “they caught your good side” jokes about my butt being on the cover of @santaynezvalley_citylifestyle Magazine, I just wanted to take a second to say thank you. One of m
saarloosandsons: 20 years ago today - Heather Saarloos gave birth to Brielle Hunter Saarloos. God decided to break my heart - and shatter it into a million little pieces. My mother Gave me a Heart. Heather stole it. Brielle Broke it. Each night she would drift off
saarloosandsons: Harvest 2024. Here’s the thing—you can plan all you want, you can prep, pray, and pretend you’ve got it all figured out, but when it comes down to it… this is pure chaos wrapped in a beautiful mess, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. The truth is, har
saarloosandsons: M“Mama, don’t let your…” My buddy Mark Herthel—listen, he’s one of the best cowboys I know. Now, I’m not saying he’s winning any rodeos anytime soon, because, let’s be real, he’s shit on a horse. But here’s the thing: so were Waylon Jennings, Cash, and
saarloosandsons: At some point in your life you realize what you have given your heart to. For some, it is a crisis. The reality of what you have spent your life’s work upon. What you have burned your precious candle for. Some second guess, everything. Some reboot t
saarloosandsons: Happy Birthday Son - Sixteen years. Sixteen years of watching you grow, boy. From the moment I first held you, I knew you were meant for something more. Not just a kid, but something else, something sharp and true. I had a sense of it then, and I see it c
saarloosandsons: When I’m an old man, looking back at a life well lived through a body worn with time, I won’t remember the trophies, the victories, or the accolades. What I’ll remember are the small, quiet moments that made it all worthwhile— The “forgettable moments”
saarloosandsons: Fred1 - the man the myth the legend - It was one of the greatest honors of my life to stand up and officiate the celebration of life for Fred Chamberlain—a man who was, without question, the embodiment of everything this valley stands for. The Chamberlain
saarloosandsons: Guerrilla gardening - last night we were able to support a cause that means a lot to our family. @edibleschoolyard - this program teaches kids how to farm and cook. THE WORLD NEEDS MORE FARMERS. And teaching kids how to do this in any environment is the
saarloosandsons: I’m in awe of young men who take on seemingly impossible challenges and still manage to grin through it all. Water polo is a beast of a sport—one that doesn’t just test your strength but demands every ounce of grit and determination you have. Imagine wres
saarloosandsons: This is happening—*An Idiot’s Guide to Wine*—and by idiot, I mean me. Yeah, I’m the idiot who decided to commit to this wild journey of trying to explain wine, and let’s be real, right now, I suck at it. But here’s the thing—I’m going to get better. :hear
saarloosandsons: The 1950 Five window Chevy truck - I love this truck. It has 4 pedals. Clutch break has and a starter - yes you have to start it with your foot. Manual transmission- 4 on the floor. No A/C just 2 roll down widows a pop up vent on the hood and a small side
saarloosandsons: Sometimes, mom comes on the tour. A special guest star in a 80’s tv show. She shakes hands, talks to the kids, says hello, and chimes in and hangs out - she says “I’m here to fact check” And everyone laughs. She is usually on her walk, putting in here
saarloosandsons: When I asked myself, what does the Texas Tornado ️ need for her birthday. a 📢 Bullhorn - yes, that seems appropriate for an 11 year old that has a personality 10x her sized. so that’s what I sent her. She loved it. Now you can hear her in
saarloosandsons: In the spirit of a father, what matters most is the unwavering encouragement you give your children as they climb an upward path, one that’s driven by intelligence and a clear vision for the future. This path is no easy road, but it’s rooted in a deep und
saarloosandsons: 🌿 **This Saturday, You’re Invited!** 🌿 Hey there, Vineyard Tour’s are on and popping this Saturday morning. Join me and a bunch of other Wandering Wino’s for a FREE Vineyard Tour at Saarloos and Sons this Saturday morning at 10 AM. :sun_with_fa
saarloosandsons: Honor + Prepare
saarloosandsons: @katylynnmiltimore @jimmy_miltimore are having a baby - Katy had worked for me since she was as old as @brielle.saarloos is now. She is a second daughter to me. We have been through it all together. When she lost her dad - my dad stepped in to fill the
saarloosandsons: I am awash in feelings these days. They arrive like uninvited guests to the table. They talk loudly, they are gluttonous, they speak in circles without saying anything. They lock arms and force feed my emotions. Calmly annoyed at the other end of the
saarloosandsons: My heart has never been my own - 3 Generations of my Heart sit Before me. My mother knitted my heart in the Soul on her belly - she gave it a rhythm she set it free. I was careless with it, I played with it, I let people break it, I was foolish with i
saarloosandsons: Sunday Morning Coming Down : Instant gratification is a drug. It may be the most powerful drug I have ever experienced. On demand streaming movies replaced the excitement of going to the video store and hoping they had they movie you wanted. Having every
saarloosandsons: No one slept well last night. Turnouts on quiet roads became netting spots for friends and neighbors. Information and updates and checking in popped and chirped through the night. There was no wind Last night. Not a breath. The doldrums were on our s
saarloosandsons: Happy Birthday : the greatest gift this country has given us: is failure. We are, and will continue to fail short of the ideal. But we will continue to strive for it. You are the Hope that, Today will always be better than yesterday and not as good a
saarloosandsons: 5 Years Ago I was in Paris with my entire Family and wrote this - I didn’t know at the moment that it was the Trip of My Lifetime : I don’t envy anyone. Not a soul on this planet. But you see that guy in the blue shirt... He has been married to the w
saarloosandsons: Sunday Morning Coming Down : Beasts in the field - Flowers in the Tasting Room - yesterday was a good day - I turned on the radio and an old song my dad loved Blared from my speakers - I pounded the steering wheel as I sang with it at the top of my lungs
saarloosandsons: 7teen - Brielle You changed my life. My goals in my own life were rewritten. They were all replaced by you. This tiny beautiful person. Every day of my life was to prepare a path for you. To lay out a wide 6 lane paved path of black asphalt with no
saarloosandsons: This phrase, “Be a Fountain, not a Drain,” woke me up again this morning. . It’s something my brother, my father, and I would toss around like a medicine ball. When it landed in your lap, you knew exactly what it meant, what you were supposed to do, and h
saarloosandsons: I cannot make the vines grow, I cannot make the fruit ripe. Our role, or participation, in this madness is to guide this process in the vineyard and shepherd the wine to the bottle. This journey mirrors the low-grade anxiety we all face. The low hum in
saarloosandsons: These Are the Good Old Days : I live for Days like Yesterday - my brother and his family in town - I felt complete - we played a dirty 9 of golf. No scores just - sitting in a warm honey of good times. Laughing, cheering, hugging - trying to be our best
saarloosandsons: The Bridge home - Yesterday - after a long day of getting things done - work - water polo - a fine dinner at our favorite spot - we crossed the bridge. This bridge has been my point for 25 years. I would roll the widows down and take a deep breath. I w