Scott A. Young: Leonard's Skipper
Scott A. Young: Lesser Yellowlegs
Scott A. Young: Solitary Sandpiper
Scott A. Young: Least Sandpiper
Scott A. Young: Green Heron
Scott A. Young: Green Heron
Scott A. Young: Green Heron
Scott A. Young: Tailed Blue
Scott A. Young: Wild Indigo Duskywing
Scott A. Young: Purple Giant Hyssop
Scott A. Young: Comet Darner
Scott A. Young: Saffron-winged Meadowhawk
Scott A. Young: Blue-winged Warbler
Scott A. Young: Black Swallowtail
Scott A. Young: Solitary Sandpiper
Scott A. Young: American Toad
Scott A. Young: Common Buckeye
Scott A. Young: Carolina Saddlebags
Scott A. Young: Carolina Saddlebags
Scott A. Young: Common Buckeye
Scott A. Young: Common Buckeye
Scott A. Young: Barn Swallows
Scott A. Young: Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Scott A. Young: Solitary Sandpiper
Scott A. Young: Pectoral Sandpiper with Snail
Scott A. Young: Pectoral Sandpiper
Scott A. Young: Solitary Sandpiper with Nymph
Scott A. Young: Autumn Meadowhawk