Scott A. Young: Fox pups
Scott A. Young: Fox pups under the neighbors cottage
Scott A. Young: Big Beavers
Scott A. Young: Manatee snoozing
Scott A. Young: Arboreal Mouse
Scott A. Young: Arboreal Mouse
Scott A. Young: Marsh Rabbit
Scott A. Young: Moose Skull
Scott A. Young: Southern Flying Squirrel
Scott A. Young: Virginia Opossum
Scott A. Young: Demise of the Killer Rabbit
Scott A. Young: Southern Flying Squirrel
Scott A. Young: Southern Flying Squirrel
Scott A. Young: Southern Flying Squirrel
Scott A. Young: Red Squirrel2
Scott A. Young: Red Squirrel1
Scott A. Young: Flying Squirrel Southern1a
Scott A. Young: Woodland (Pine) Vole
Scott A. Young: Warren Farm Hare
Scott A. Young: Warren Farm Hare
Scott A. Young: Gray Fox having sandwich
Scott A. Young: Gray Fox
Scott A. Young: Fawn No. 2