Scott A. Young: Feathering the nest
Scott A. Young: American Redstart female
Scott A. Young: Bay breasted warbler male
Scott A. Young: BTB female
Scott A. Young: BTB male
Scott A. Young: Pine Warbler
Scott A. Young: Yellow throated Warbler
Scott A. Young: Black and White Warbler
Scott A. Young: Yellow throated warbler
Scott A. Young: Black-throated Green Warbler
Scott A. Young: Wilsons Warbler
Scott A. Young: Louisiana Waterthrush
Scott A. Young: Black-throated Green Warbler
Scott A. Young: Yellow Warbler
Scott A. Young: Canada Warbler
Scott A. Young: Northern Parula
Scott A. Young: Canada Warbler
Scott A. Young: Canada Warbler
Scott A. Young: Black-throated Blue Warbler
Scott A. Young: Pine Warbler female
Scott A. Young: Pine Warbler male
Scott A. Young: Magnolia Warbler
Scott A. Young: Cross billed Common Yellowthroat
Scott A. Young: Palm Warbler
Scott A. Young: Palm Warbler