Scott A. Young: Common Mergansers
Scott A. Young: Black bellied Whistling Duck
Scott A. Young: Pied billed Grebe
Scott A. Young: Purple Gallinule
Scott A. Young: Purple Gallinule
Scott A. Young: Brant juvenile
Scott A. Young: Black-bellied Whistling Ducks
Scott A. Young: Loons in the rain
Scott A. Young: Raiders of the Vernal Pool
Scott A. Young: Lesser Scaup
Scott A. Young: Northern Shoveler
Scott A. Young: Harlequin Duck
Scott A. Young: Wood Duck in the swamp eating Wood Frog eggs
Scott A. Young: Canada Goose being small
Scott A. Young: Cackling Geese
Scott A. Young: Cackling Geese
Scott A. Young: Northern Pintail
Scott A. Young: American Wigeon
Scott A. Young: Greater White-fronted Geese
Scott A. Young: Greater White-fronted Geese
Scott A. Young: Barrow's Goldeneye
Scott A. Young: Buffleheads
Scott A. Young: Bufflehead
Scott A. Young: Truckin' Coot
Scott A. Young: Pintail Female
Scott A. Young: WF Goose8