Scott A. Young: A Bend in the Road
Scott A. Young: Field Sparrow
Scott A. Young: Bobolink
Scott A. Young: Yellow Warbler
Scott A. Young: Demise of the Killer Rabbit
Scott A. Young: Hudsonian Whiteface
Scott A. Young: Northern Waterthrush
Scott A. Young: Common Yellowthroat
Scott A. Young: Common Redpoll female type
Scott A. Young: Common Redpoll male
Scott A. Young: Dickcissel
Scott A. Young: Field Sparrow
Scott A. Young: Dickcissel
Scott A. Young: Northern Shrike
Scott A. Young: Yellow-rumped Warbler
Scott A. Young: Fox Sparrow
Scott A. Young: White-crowned Sparrow
Scott A. Young: Vesper Sparrow
Scott A. Young: Bobolink
Scott A. Young: Common Yellowthroat
Scott A. Young: Lincoln's Sparrow
Scott A. Young: Magnolia Warbler
Scott A. Young: Magnolia Warbler
Scott A. Young: Lincoln's Sparrow
Scott A. Young: Long Dash
Scott A. Young: Yellow-throated Vireo
Scott A. Young: Bobolink
Scott A. Young: Dickcissel
Scott A. Young: Coopers Hawk
Scott A. Young: Wilson's Warbler