Scott A. Young: American Redstart female
Scott A. Young: Bay breasted warbler male
Scott A. Young: BTB female
Scott A. Young: BTB male
Scott A. Young: Garden Shot
Scott A. Young: Bittybumps
Scott A. Young: Bittybumps
Scott A. Young: Stewartia Down
Scott A. Young: Full Moon Maple
Scott A. Young: Garden Shed
Scott A. Young: Mrs Wilmotts Ghost
Scott A. Young: 2 Approaches to Nectaring
Scott A. Young: Cardinal Batch 2
Scott A. Young: Evening Grosbeak with Acer palmatum Inaba Shidare and Pinus strobus Blue Shag
Scott A. Young: Grey-headed Purple Finch
Scott A. Young: Pine Siskin
Scott A. Young: Fox Sparrow
Scott A. Young: Hermit Thrush
Scott A. Young: Gold-crowned Kinglet
Scott A. Young: Gold-crowned Kinglet
Scott A. Young: Purple Finch
Scott A. Young: Chipping sparrow
Scott A. Young: Red Squirrel
Scott A. Young: Spotted Salamander
Scott A. Young: Evening Grosbeak
Scott A. Young: Northern Redback Salamander
Scott A. Young: Northern Redback Salamander