Deer_Hugsy: 4a09da19gy1fggduyv79ej22da355kjr
BannyWu: 苗栗鯉魚潭
Jay Daley: Culture
Jimmy C.C.: 白屋wedding-8032
BIG BALL: 請投我一票! 2018 Mr. Gay World Taiwan Delegate | Henry
J.D chao: 2D2A9138PS3
Jay Daley: The watcher
Jay Daley: Vermillion
rafm0913: IMG_2430
The 10 cent designer: I'm going again. Very excited to have booked canoe trips to Bowron Lakes and Maligne Lake in late summer. Bought a canoe too. A yellow Hellman that is being made right now to order! What are your summer plans?
Jay Daley: Lets Prey
BIG BALL: 遊戲 |開始
BIG BALL: 如果不能享受沉默, 別說你來過南國。
BIG BALL: 我們本來是來拍銀河的...
BIG BALL: 那是個多愁善感的午夜拾壹,燈熄了,戒掉酒,也厭了你。
BIG BALL: 他說那是個有點霸道的小鬼。
BIG BALL: 越 / 光
J.D chao: 眼淚 是通往幸福的必經之路
Instagram:john_l.22: 元宵之月