hugo p - one day in my life: "cha chaan teng... outside inside"
hugo p - one day in my life: "the last dragon"
Ian Bramham: Oculus, NYC.
Ian Bramham: Brooklyn Bridge
hugo p - one day in my life: "stepping forward" (ii)
HutchSLR: New York City
bluechameleon: fade away
hugo p - one day in my life: "Electric Road by night" (iii)
Jay Fine: Wildfire haze plus Milky Way
H.L.Tam: Hong Kong Neon sign • Hennessy Road • Wan Chai
hugo p - one day in my life: "Hong Kong yesterday... vanished night colours"
H.L.Tam: Causeway Bay • Hong Kong #RyuichiSakamoto
Andrew James Howe: Shine On…… / Battersea, London, UK
Geoff Kell (Old Forest Man): Remnants of Autumn
Kathi Huidobro: IMG_1270624
hugo p - one day in my life: "air of freedom to breathe, charming sunlight to warm the heart... happy new year!"
Ian Bramham: Liège-Guillemins Railway Station
hugo p - one day in my life: "2 Towers ... HK" (iii)
hugo p - one day in my life: "The Center and Central by night"
enricofossati: A Dark Passage
enricofossati: The Elven Gate
hugo p - one day in my life: "lost in the shopping labyrinth"
enricofossati: The Old Forest Road
hugo p - one day in my life: "buildings... Hong Kong"
Ian Bramham: L'Hemisfèric, Valencia
hugo p - one day in my life: "Hong Kong yesterday... Sai Ying Pun night"