Ngăn: Every rose has it thorn :)
Sad Eyes ♥: Thuong lam
Ngăn: Đôi khi, người ta biết rõ, đối phương đang ở đâu, nhưng vẫn lạc mất nhau.
Amanda Mabel: Nostalgia of Childhood
Ngăn: It happens to everyone as they grow up. You find out who you are and what you want. And then you realize that people you've known forever don't see things the way you do. So you keep the wonderful memories but find yourself moving on.
Amanda Mabel: Only Know You've Been High When You're Feeling Low; Only Hate the Road When You’re Missing Home
Lê Nguyễn: Pre-wedding Duy - Linh
Sad Eyes ♥: I have been waiting for a long time to wear this dress
Gucci vu: kitty cupcake
stu82517: fact
○ Isabel ○: Street style .
Ngăn: Vintage garden
Ngăn: Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful?
Ngăn: Jeffrey Campbell
Lê Nguyễn: Pre-wedding Trung - Nhi
Lê Nguyễn: Về !
Lê Nguyễn: Pre-wedding Thành - Liên
Amanda Mabel: Looking Out onto York
Amanda Mabel: My Camera Collection
Amanda Mabel: Taking on the World, One Mountain at a Time
stu82517: IMG_3524