ryopang: 作為一個專業嘅廚師出街隨身攜帶即磨胡椒係好合理嘅一件事 #peperman #cheforselfdefence
ryopang: I wonder if guns are allowed if this sign is not posted outside of the building?
ryopang: 壽宴進行中.
ryopang: wine pong night.
ryopang: food hunt under the bridge.
ryopang: hello, snapper.
ryopang: hello...
ryopang: that's absolutely accurate.
ryopang: gotta love the bottomless.
ryopang: after France.
ryopang: this is a lot of fun.
ryopang: some food are definitely better with wine pairing. thx @cyb3rm4x for the recommendation!
ryopang: 強烈建議 #689 率領一眾凸區正苦高官嚟 Paris 實地考察然後 propose 鏟九曬 D 咁影響市容嘅低級偽藝術創作.
ryopang: this is how you properly store and sell instant films.
ryopang: #鵝滿是快烙滴好耳痛
ryopang: I'm loving it!
ryopang: just can't be leaving France without having crepes.
ryopang: long long way.
ryopang: ok, Eiffel Tower checked. #係好很行我都知 #嚟得呢度唔係唔係咁兒影吓啊? #其實未又係一碌鐵塔 #早D嚟冇人真好 #而我不知道點解響巴黎鐵塔下面一路係咁hashtag
ryopang: oh I love French supermarket.
ryopang: the national theatre.
ryopang: oh 法蘭西茶餐廳朝聖中.
ryopang: hello again, Paris.
ryopang: hello, Nice.
ryopang: sometimes, simple fast food is satisfying. #我應該會繼續被unfriend
ryopang: the city in the sky.
ryopang: that's ALOT of precious mushrooms.
ryopang: are u waiting for me?
ryopang: protein overloaded.
ryopang: hello, Avignon.