RyInSpace: Houston, we've got a problem. I think I've isolated the issue to my start up hard drive. Data is on drive #2 except Mail :-(
RyInSpace: Thanks @yigejiejie for the early birthday present! Lion King! It's my 1st Blue Ray, but we don't own one, so DVD time!
RyInSpace: Steve Jobs quote in stone in front of the Cambridge Marriott regarding innovation & making a difference in the world.
RyInSpace: Three seminars w/ @Astro_Taz were great. I had many things to ask, but heading home to rest. Until next time...
RyInSpace: Today @Astro_Taz told @MITMVL that hanging below @ISS_Research was like being Luke Skywalker in Empire below Cloud City
RyInSpace: SpaceShipOne on 4 Oct 2004
RyInSpace: I think LEGO is getting sexist in their old age. Pet Shop set includes Pet Shop owner, Woman, Girl & Painter. Jobs 4 females?
RyInSpace: My animals with animals!
RyInSpace: Dinosaurs and grad students, oh my! Gala for the Arts @ Harvard Museum of Natural History.
RyInSpace: I'm running w/ the Chuck Norris of numbers Sunday, #73! 73 is a sexy prime twice over & a binary palindrome, 1001001.
RyInSpace: Picked up the new X-Men #1 (1982) for $3 from the MIT Comic Book Fair. Here's a pic of me with the MIT Super Beaver!
RyInSpace: A full house for @ssteiner4's PhD defense about CNT CVD on CFs! Looking forward to calling him Dr. Stevie!
RyInSpace: Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. The MIT Postdoc Appreciation Luncheon.
RyInSpace: We donated! @RedCross we hope you take @yigejiejie & I's blood & put it to good use! Keep it away from @DracuDomo!
RyInSpace: Thank you @DrDaddyBob for the #GRAIL & #NASATweetup swag! You guys saw a rocket launch to the Moon & that's awesome!
RyInSpace: We are the Champions!!! NESHL Summer Champions! Go Blackhawks Go!
RyInSpace: We had a beautiful full Moon sail on the Charles. Now we're unwinding @muddycharlespub. Yarrrrrr!
RyInSpace: We traveled to Perkins Cove yesterday so Jen & Jane could get Maine lobster roles. I had grilled cheese!
RyInSpace: Our street is a little nuts tonight with the Italian Festival right outside the window! Here's the view:
RyInSpace: Interesting visit to the historical sites of the American Revolution & seeing how a community defends itself.
RyInSpace: They were Minute Men, much to their wives' chagrin. The first shot of the Revolutionary War was fired here in Lexington
RyInSpace: Our block is going to be off the hook this weekend! Hopefully the music doesn't sound like a phone off the hook!
RyInSpace: Red sky at night, sailors delight! Or maybe just LA pollution. Either way, it's the best side effect of smog!
RyInSpace: watching a beautiful sunset on the west coast. I hope I'll many more of these & with Jen sitting next to me on the beach!
RyInSpace: VERY exciting day! I spent the afternoon @SpaceXer being interviewed. I hoping to work & explore the cosmos w/ them!
RyInSpace: Great dinner w/ (clockwise) @shellymurray1 @bencredible @cariann @rclague & @DenisePouchet at Jerry's Deli!
RyInSpace: On the shores of California, where dreams can be surfed, or washed away like footprints in the sand. Ride the big one!
RyInSpace: Is it a cosmic coincidence that I'm guest 42 at In-N-Out Burger? Doubt it! Mmmm @innoutburger!
RyInSpace: Whale off the port bow! Here's a preview of what we saw today on @NEAQ Whale Watch! This whale is named Geometry!
RyInSpace: The grand finale of the encore for @matisyahu featured, well everyone! He called all the "kids" to stage. #LSMS