rblock: Gorgeous day for a game!
rblock: T-minus 30 minutes for the Xbox Reveal at gdgt HQ. unreasonably excited.
rblock: Beautiful night for a game. #SFGiants
rblock: Sometimes I miss New York. And then San Francisco does something like this.
rblock: From historic civil rights abuse to internet meme to hot sauce product in under two years.
rblock: Current status: Supercharging
rblock: "In America you can eat challah everyday."
rblock: Oh you know, just watching the wife on TV.
rblock: Damn. The One is seriously fine.
rblock: Clean desk. Let's see how long that lasts.
rblock: I suppose there are worse views in places one has their mouth operated on.
rblock: Very exciting first post-acquisition visit to the Mothership. This is going to be very big.
rblock: Good morning!
rblock: As seen at Macworld 2013
rblock: Pink tree
rblock: Veronica rocking the new Robert Marc specs I found for her!
rblock: 37 degrees in SF? No problem!
rblock: Veronica wearing her new 3 Tard Moon shirt. I won't lie, I kinda wish she's gotten me one, too.
rblock: Hacienda Esmerelda from @tonysphere, among the very best gifts I got this year!
rblock: Xmas
rblock: Say hi to Lib!
rblock: Say hi to Lib!
rblock: Hey, I'm here.
rblock: iOS 5 homescreen
rblock: Gifts for the @gdgt 2.0 launch team. So awesome.
rblock: Hiking.
rblock: Sunrise.
rblock: Looking forward to today.
rblock: Rode by the Park Hotel on my way in. What a horror show.
rblock: Perusing The Art of Simple Food at Chez Panisse.