mr_stru: The guilty
purpletongue: Road sign
jillianlee_x: If men evolved from apes, then why do we still have apes? are they just slow learners?
_devocean: S U B _ U R B A N
evan walks: edward 40hands
MO3PA: Last Tango III
deepwarren: contrary conjoined-twins
deepwarren: monks
deepwarren: back to the past
deepwarren: how to spend money quickly
Burps Liberty: Foothead
hopeless128: 050510-0514
hellsexy: MERV THE FISH
deepwarren: the hand of mickey
colva: possessive
colva: sarah1
deepwarren: chinatown lights
mic*: pink hat
dreadfuldan: Beach Benny Hill
T. Gonzalves: Theotokos Shrine, Carcar, Cebu
mic*: Sue seeks titlillation through early 19th century scandal