Scratchin Dog:
hands in the air!
Scratchin Dog:
rokiko and annathur
Scratchin Dog:
rokiko rocks!
Scratchin Dog:
ross speaks
Scratchin Dog:
drew, ross and arthur
Scratchin Dog:
akiko's speech
Scratchin Dog:
Scratchin Dog:
joyce holds kaisei
Scratchin Dog:
geoff with joyce and kaisei
Scratchin Dog:
satsuki with hanano and katie
Scratchin Dog:
kirk, louise and family
Scratchin Dog:
joy with lennie and nobuo
Scratchin Dog:
my dad with dean and mike
Scratchin Dog:
happy ross
Scratchin Dog:
dad digs in
Scratchin Dog:
sue, ross and faruk
Scratchin Dog:
hanano blows out the candles
Scratchin Dog:
strawberries in choclate
Scratchin Dog:
friends through a haze
Scratchin Dog:
sean, katie, karen and rikuo
Scratchin Dog:
marina with bec and stephen
Scratchin Dog:
family shot on the grass
Scratchin Dog:
crowd show with my dads
Scratchin Dog:
another crowd shot
Scratchin Dog:
rokiko and hanano
Scratchin Dog:
rokiko with jeff and joy
Scratchin Dog:
ross and jeff and joy
Scratchin Dog:
ross with joy
Scratchin Dog:
ross and louise
Scratchin Dog:
rikuo speaks