Ruthieki: We are all so broken.
Ruthieki: Neighbors are out shoveling their sidewalks and clearing their driveways... all the way to the unplowed street.
Ruthieki: Wintry puddles.
Ruthieki: Puddles on the sidewalks, walking South on Blackstone.
Ruthieki: Harper Foods is open, and I saw several people coming out of there with bulging grocery bags.
Ruthieki: Most businesses along 57th Street were closed.
Ruthieki: Snow under the tracks.
Ruthieki: It's already getting sloppy. This will be interesting when the temperatures drop to below zero tonight as forcasted.
Ruthieki: Skiing.
Ruthieki: Lake Shore Drive at 57th Street.
Ruthieki: Lots of people frolicking on mostly-deserted Lake Shore Drive.
Ruthieki: Moments later, the SUV was backing up in the single lane. The taxi managed to squeeze by him, turn around, and drive south in the northbound lane.
Ruthieki: An SUV and a taxi headed North on Lake Shore Drive (and some people just strolling in the road).
Ruthieki: Pretty sky.
Ruthieki: More pretty sky.
Ruthieki: You make me happyyyyyy when skies are bluuuuue.
Ruthieki: Blue skies at the point!
Ruthieki: Looking North at Promontory Point. That tiny figure is a photographer with a tripod.
Ruthieki: Looking South along the lakefront.
Ruthieki: Tons of people running around on the lake.
Ruthieki: The guy was biking, but it wasn't going well. I saw him pushing his bike a few minutes later.
Ruthieki: Walking onto Lake Shore Drive via the on ramp. Notice the sun is out!
Ruthieki: There were a lot of people out around 4 pm, walking right in the street because there was hardly any traffic.
Ruthieki: Lots of tracks.
Ruthieki: Looking East.
Ruthieki: Cornell Ave is plowed, but only wide enough for one car. If two cars meet going opposite directions, one of them has to back up to the nearest intersection.
Ruthieki: Folks skiing across Stony Island Ave.
Ruthieki: The cutest igloo!
Ruthieki: Looking out from just inside the front door to my building.