rusty_lark: Andy in the dark
rusty_lark: Canon 50/1.2 ltm
rusty_lark: Sonnetar 50/1.1 - post tantrum
rusty_lark: Canon 50/1.2 ltm
rusty_lark: Canon 50/1.2 ltm
rusty_lark: Sonnetar 50/1.1
rusty_lark: Andy is enchanted by the pumpkin (sonnetar 50/1.1)
rusty_lark: Ave U train station
rusty_lark: Hooflet trying to steal a jumbo marshmallow.
rusty_lark: Sonnetar 50/1.1
rusty_lark: Sonnetar 50/1.1 test
rusty_lark: Andy ignoring the world while using his ipad
rusty_lark: ......
rusty_lark: W.R Grace building
rusty_lark: .....
rusty_lark: Coney Island parachute jump
rusty_lark: .....
rusty_lark: .....
rusty_lark: image
rusty_lark: Hooflet
rusty_lark: .....
rusty_lark: .....
rusty_lark: Hooflet
rusty_lark: Hooflet the Chihuahua
rusty_lark: Andy at 12.5 months
rusty_lark: Old bathhouse in Coney Island
rusty_lark: .....